Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis is the scientific journal of the Ioan Raica Municipal Museum in Sebeş featuring articles and studies related to the fields of archaeology, history, museology and ethnology. It also publishes book and cultural event reviews whose subject line can be subsumed into one of the fields listed above.

All materials intended for publication should be submitted by e-mail to the following address: by 15 April of each year. We accept only one paper per author.

1. General Guidelines

– the maximum length of every study or article (abstract, list of abbreviations and figures included) is 30 pages;

– the following order must be complied with: abstract, keywords, body text, list of abbreviations, as well as appendices or figures, if such be the case;

– the materials should be submitted electronically.

2. Style Guide

a) Page format: custom size (17 x 24 cm) with 2 cm margins at the top and 2.5 cm left side, 2 cm at the bottom and right sides; header size: 1.25 cm; footer size: 1.25 cm; left to right text alignment; the first line should be indented by 1 cm without pressing TAB.

b) The accepted font is Garamond. A font size of 12 pt should be used for the paper itself, 11 pt for quotations longer than 3 rows, 10 pt for abstract, explanations, appendices and notes.

c) The title should be centred, emboldened and followed by the name and surname of the author or authors, their e-mail address and institutional affiliation.

d) The abstract should not exceed 120 words, written in English.

e) All figures should be of good quality (min. 300 dpi for scans) and saved in either .jpg or .tiff format. Photocopies are not acceptable as every figure must be accompanied by a caption and a reference to its source (if such be the case).

f) The titles of books, studies, articles, newspapers and periodicals should be italicised throughout the text (ex. Transilvania).

g) Roman, not italicised characters should be used for quotations. In case a quotation is at least three rows long, an 11 pt font size and a 1 cm left indentation should be used. Whenever the author wishes to add a note, square brackets should be used with the specification [A/N].

h) The only footnotes accepted are those created following the commands Insert, Footnotes. The use of Ibidem is accepted, but not of Idem or op. cit.

i) The article/study references should be provided in the footnotes. They should contain the surname of the author followed by the year of publication and the page numbers referred to.

Examples of references:

For one author:

Ex.: Brezeanu 1981, p. 54-55.

For two authors:

Ex.: Milza, Berstein 1998, vol. II, p. 96.

For three or more authors:

Ex.: Dreyfus et alii 2006, vol. III, p. 193.

If an author published more than one work in one year, the distinction between the works should be made by using lower-case letters after the year.

Ex.: Kissinger 1999a, p. 122; Kissinger 1999b, p. 345.

j) The bibliographic entries at the end of the article should detail the references provided in the footnotes.


Andriţoiu 1979

– Ioan Andriţoiu, Contribuţii la repertoriul arheologic al judeţului Hunedoara, in Sargetia, XIV, 1979, p. 15-34.


– Arhivele Naţionale ale României. Direcţia Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale.

Brezeanu 1981 

– Stelian Brezeanu, O istorie a Imperiului Bizantin, Bucureşti, 1981.

Cipăianu, Vesa 2000

– George Cipăianu, Vasile Vesa (ed.), La fin de la Première Guerre mondiale et la nouvelle architecture géopolitique européenne, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.

Dreyfus et alii 2006 

– F.-G. Dreyfus, A. Jourcin, P. Thibault, P. Milza, Larousse. Istoria universală, vol. I-III, Bucureşti, 2006.

Milza, Berstein 1998

– Pierre Milza, Serge Berstein, Istoria secolului XX, vol. I-III, Bucureşti, 1998.

k) A number of 5 to 7 keywords should be provided.

The articles and studies should be written in either one of the following languages: Romanian, English, German or French. The editorial board has the right to accept, reject or ask that changes be made to the papers submitted. The papers that are not selected for publishing are not handed back to their respective authors.

3. Other specifications

a. No handling fees, publication fees or similar from their authors or authors institutions are required.

b. Copyright remains with the author(s) after publication.

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