ISSN 2066 – 9143; EISSN 2344 – 5432


Papers submitted for publication until the due date enter a preliminary selection process where the Editorial Board check them for compliance with the publication guideline and subject areas of the yearbook.

As a next step, the Editorial Secretary forwards the selected articles and research papers to the reviewers with expertise in the specific subject area without revealing the author(s). The assessment is performed based on the review form, within two weeks’ time, and observations on the paper body are made by inserting Comments wherever considered necessary.

The authors are advised of both the suggestions of the reviewers and the Editorial Board. The final decision regarding publication belongs to the members of the Editorial Board and is taken with consideration of the reviewers’ evaluations.

Terra Sebus commits to a strict compliance with the ethical principles of scientific research. Both the authors and the reviewers must fully comply with the publication guidelines and not turn a blind eye to plagiarism and intellectual theft. If the paper contains self-plagiarism or was previously published in that same language, it is rejected for publication.

The Terra Sebus site and its metadata are licensed under CC BY-SA


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